Discover the Power of Food Sensitivity Testing

Have you been feeling off lately? The answer could be in your food.

Embark on Your Wellness Journey with FIT Testing

Your path to vitality begins with understanding how your body reacts to different foods. A Food Inflammation Test (FIT) reveals which foods trigger inflammatory responses and the severity of these reactions. We have three levels to choose from, FIT 22, FIT 132, and FIT 176 (the number reflects the amount of foods and additives that are tested). Our FIT tests also screen for candida, LPS, zonulin and occludin levels, vital markers for gut health.

Decoding Your Symptoms

Managing symptoms is essential, but understanding their root cause is paramount. Inflammation is often the culprit behind numerous acute and chronic conditions. If you're experiencing any of the following, inflammation could be at play:

  • Digestive Issues: Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, heartburn, reflux, leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, ulcers.
  • Mental Challenges: Mood swings, fatigue, depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, cravings for junk food.
  • Musculoskeletal Discomfort: Joint pain, muscle fatigue, aches.
  • Other Concerns: Candida (yeast infection), under-eye bags, autoimmune diseases, rashes, itchiness, skin irritation, acne, nasal congestion, water retention.

Unveiling the Impact of Food

Ever wondered how food influences your well-being? It's more than just sustenance; it's a catalyst for mental clarity, energy levels, weight management, skin health, and beyond. Recent research has shed light on the profound link between food and inflammation. While our bodies often mask inflammatory symptoms as minor discomforts like bloating or gas, sometimes they struggle to contain the damage.

The Testing Experience

The FIT test is simple and painless. Just a quick finger prick to collect five drops of blood on a collection card. We handle the rest, sending your sample to the lab for analysis. Expect results within 7-10 days. Following the test, we'll develop a comprehensive plan tailored to your needs, aimed at reducing gut inflammation and promoting healing.

Take Control of Your Health

Don't let food sensitivities dictate your life. At Boots Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we're committed to empowering you on your journey to optimal health. Schedule your food sensitivity testing today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you.



  • What lab company do you use?
    • At Boots Chiropractic our food testing is done via KBMO Diagnostics. We do the blood test in office then send it to KBMO's lab for the sample to be analyzed.
  • What are my options for FIT tests?
    • There are three main choices of tests. FIT 22, FIT 132, and FIT 176. The number associated with each test is the number of different foods and food additives that are tested. (Example: FIT 22, 22 foods are tested)
  • Is anything else included?
    • The FIT 22 test does not include any additional services or tests.
    • The FIT 132 and FIT 176 tests include candida and zonulin tests with no added cost. Additionally both tests come with a one week meal plan put together by KBMO's nutrition team based on your specific results.

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